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Positive Birth Library

Client Bryony's Birth Story - (Labour ward, no birth pools)

Kristina's VBAC Story 

Home Water Birth (Watch after Session 1)

Client Emily's Home Birth Story - Almost BBA (birth before arrival!)

Client Jenny's Positive Birth Story - C-section under general anaesthetic

Client Vicky's First Time Mum - Home Birth

Client Steph's Birth Story (Labour ward, positive epidural)

Client Katie's Birth Story - Birth Pool

Rachel's Northampton Birth Centre Birth

Positive Induction (Syntocinon)

Positive Breech Homebirth Story

Client Jenn's Positive Induction

Birth Video Compilation

Birth Partner Compilation

Chessie King Positive Caesarean

Caesarean Birther Catches Baby Clip

Gentle Caesarean Birth Video

Calm Caesarean Short Clip

Home Birth After Caesarean (HBAC)

Water Birth (Short video see baby clearly emerge in the water)

Stunning Home Water Birth (Hands off approach)

Rainbow Baby Birth

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